In the Box

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, All Fit Together

The Woken box and its contents exemplify our ingenious approach to spatial efficiency and user experience, transforming the packing and unpacking process into a seamless aspect of the game itself. By prioritizing equitable design, each component of the game—be it cards, dice, tokens, or player pieces—finds its unique place within the confines of the box, like pieces of a well-considered puzzle. This arrangement ensures that every item not only fits snugly but also contributes to the overall aesthetic and functional harmony of the game setup.

One of the standout features of this design is the multi-functional nature of some parts, serving not just as game pieces but also as organizers or separators for other components. This dual-purpose design philosophy maximizes space, reduces clutter, and enhances the overall tidiness of the game box. The use of custom-molded trays is another highlight, offering a bespoke but socially responsible storage solution for all the parts, protecting them from damage while also making the game setup and cleanup intuitive and swift.

Moreover, the design utilizes vertical space through tiered compartments, allowing players to store components in layers that are easily accessible yet compactly arranged. This stratified approach not only optimizes the internal volume of the box but also adds an element of discovery as players unpack and repack the game.

The design's socially conscious approach extends to its visual and tactile appeal, with the fitting together of parts providing a satisfying experience that mirrors the strategic and thoughtful gameplay. This harmonious blend of form and function not only elevates the game's presentation but also speaks volumes about the thoughtfulness poured into every aspect of Woken’s design, making it a masterpiece not just of efficiency and ingenuity but of social awareness and an unwillingness to do harm.

Thinking Outside (and Inside) the Box

The design of Woken exemplifies thoughtful engineering, ensuring that packing away the game is as seamless and efficient as the educational journey it offers. The concentric rings that form Mount Oppression cleverly nest within each other, minimizing the game's footprint when stored. Magnetic player pieces, CharacterCards, and Woken Tokens are all designed to fit into designated compartments within the box, preventing disarray and loss. This meticulous organization means that the transition from the climax of gameplay back to storage is quick and straightforward, a testament to the game's commitment to convenience without compromising its profound educational intent or environmental responsibility.

Made in China, Super Ethically!

Equity Agenda, a division of Asmodeus, has taken significant steps to ensure that the manufacturing process of Woken game sets in China adheres to the highest ethical standards. Understanding the complexities and challenges of overseas production, the company has stationed managers on-site to oversee every aspect of the manufacturing process. This hands-on approach guarantees that all stages of production, from the sourcing of sustainable materials to the labor practices employed, meet the rigorous ethical criteria set by Equity Agenda. These managers are tasked with not only ensuring compliance with local and international labor laws but also with implementing the company's commitment to fair wages, safe working conditions, and respectful treatment of all employees. This vigilant oversight is a cornerstone of Equity Agenda's mission to produce games that are not only educational and enjoyable but also ethically and responsibly made.

We’ll Never Oppress the Planet

The packaging of Woken is a testament to the game's commitment to environmental sustainability, showcasing a thoughtful approach to its design and manufacturing. Crafted from reinforced, biodegradable cardboard and utilizing recycled plastics collected from the Pacific Ocean, the box not only minimizes environmental impact but also raises awareness about the importance of using sustainable resources. This conscientious choice reflects a broader commitment to eco-friendly practices, echoing the game's educational goals by promoting environmental stewardship. By choosing materials that reduce waste and pollution, Woken sets an example for the industry, proving that fun and educational experiences can be delivered in an environmentally responsible package.